Movie Reviews

For some reason it’s hard for me to write movie reviews. I want to post as many as I can to this page for all of you to read. However at the same time I feel like my reviews would be too cliche of a reading for people that like the movie I’m reviewing.  So I am trying to edit the ones I have written now, and making sure my sometimes humorous commentary is all there. It won’t always be super critical, unless I personally dislike the picture and really want to just rant on it. If I get really into it, I always feel people are going to start arguing over what I say, so I may have to disable comments in case elitist trolls come in to defend their opinions.

Well anyway, as far as movie reviews on this page go, I wanted to put up my review of every Martin Scorsese film in honor of Taxi Driver‘s 40th anniversary. However, time has passed, and I am not done all the reviews. Its more like New York, New York‘s 40th anniversary at this point :\ They will be coming soon, I am up to his 90’s movies at the moment. But if I post each movie of his one at a time and not all at once, this may work.
I still haven’t seen Vinyl Season 1 pilot yet, or Silence. So I still got ways to go yet.
Keep checking back!

D. D. Bauchery

SLT show from last week

Hello my friends,

I wanted to give you guys an update on the latest. If you remember from the last blog entry, I was hyping over the Scars Like These show with our friends Lucid by Midnight at the Rusty Nail on Apr 15.

Well we did the show, and it turned out okay. Due to the Easter weekend, there wasn’t many in the crowd, other than the other bands and some of their friends.  I still managed to meet some cool people, like Leah from Lucid by Midnight, who had been the previous bass player for SLT! Their drummer Mike was also very chill and he helped me out with some drum parts i forgot to bring to the show. I’ll never forget little things like that.

The first 2 bands were very decent, but again hardly any crowd. My bandmate, Psyko Mike described nights like this as “rehearsal night”. That is definitely what it felt like.

We were the third to go on, and from where I was playing at, I couldn’t hear super well. So what I did hear is what I played to. The PA system was fucked and you couldn’t hear the vocals very well.  According to my Uncle Bruce who was in the audience (he did voices in some of my animated movies if you remember) , the guitar amps weren’t as loud as the drums and bass. Oh well, we still played everything in time, and I could tell it was tight despite the sound problems.

The guy Matt who designed the album cover came to see us, and I met him for the first time. He thought we sounded great. He could hear beyond those sound probs haha

But overall, good time. It was another learning experience.  I seriously can’t wait for the next show which is going to be in less than 2 weeks today, on Fri May 5. Will keep you all posted 🙂

If you haven’t heard us already, check out our Facebook and add us !

Till next time !

Dave Debuacheryed2


It’s been awhile my friends, and I do apologize.

I’ve been very busy with work and the band, and by the time I get to my other side projects I am truly exhausted. What else can I say? I am only human.

In the meanwhile, my 2nd show with Scars Like These is this Saturday, April 15 @ The Rusty Nail in Ardmore. I really look forward to it.
I am still trying to work on my writings, the Terminal Frost demo that never was, and new MoonCandle. It’s hard to juggle all of these.

Keep checking back for more.

Dave D. Bauchery